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For coaches - Education

Vi ebjuder fystester för spelarna på din klubb och tennisspecifika träningsprogram i app.

Vi testar din klubb på plats i er tennishall eller på AIM-X Sports Club i Sollentuna, beroende på hur många spelare som vill testa sig.

Tennis parents - Lecture

ADV-X is created for ambitious tennis players, regardless of age and level. If you want to improve your physique as a tennis player in order to play better tennis, this is the test for you. This is not just a test; it's an analysis to get better at tennis. By understanding what you need to improve, based on statistics from over 10,000 data points from 1,000 tests on 500 elite players aged 12 to 65, you take an important step towards becoming the best tennis player you can be.

For players - Camp

Learn how to take care of your body so that it feels good during a lot of tennis.

How you can train to serve harder, move faster, hit harder ground strokes.

You also learn how to build your game around your potential as a tennis player with physical strengths.

What makes ADV-X unique?

Tennis-specific tests that are directly linked to the players' rankings. This connection is not only superficial; it is based on a database and algorithms that give you Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for tennis performance. With a correlation as high as 0.90 against rankings for competitive players between the ages of 12 and 18. This is something that puts ADV-X in a class of its own and there is currently no other test battery for tennis with such strong correlations to performance and ranking.

In terms of Return on Investment (ROI), the ADV-X Tennis Fitness Rating offers a time-efficient method for understanding and prioritizing your physical development. It helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses, allowing you to target your training where it will produce the most results. With this knowledge, you can optimize your training time and see faster improvements on the track.

Which workshop suits me?

I want to understand the service's movement pattern and performance

For the tennis club that wants to physically test its players once/year and receive training programs for each player in our app for a whole year.

Follow the players' development over time and through the ADV-X Dashboard, all administration is handled automatically, which is included in the first year.

I want to learn the movement pattern and performance of the movement

For the tennis club that wants to physically test its players 2 times/year and receive training programs for each player in our app for a whole year with program updates every 6 months.

Follow the players' development over time and through the ADV-X Dashboard, all administration is handled automatically, which is included in the first year.

I want to learn the basic movement patterns and performance

For the tennis club that wants to physically test its players 3 times/year and receive training programs for each player in our app for a whole year with program updates every 4 months.

Follow the players' development over time and through the ADV-X Dashboard, all administration is handled automatically, which is included in the first year.


SEK 1,995/coach

Half day

- 1 ADV-X performance test / year*
- 1 year tennis-specific physical program

- 1 meeting with your AIM-X Coach
- Player app with program and results
- ADV-X Dashboard for the club

* Test individually in Sollentuna at designated test times, alternatively AIM-X will come to your club (minimum 15 players), travel and accommodation will be added.



SEK 1,995/coach

Half day

- 2 ADV-X performance tests / year*
- 1 year tennis-specific physical program

- 2 meetings with your AIM-X Coach
- Player app with program and results
- ADV-X Dashboard for the club

* Test individually in Sollentuna at designated test times, alternatively that AIM-X comes to your club (minimum 15 players), travel and accommodation will be added.




SEK 1,995/coach

Half day

- 2 ADV-X performance tests / year*
- 1 year tennis-specific physical program
- 3 meetings with your AIM-X Coach
- Player app with program and results
- ADV-X Dashboard for the club

* Test individually in Sollentuna at designated test times, alternatively that AIM-X comes to your club (minimum 15 players), travel and accommodation will be added.



from SEK 9,995

For the club that wants to train its coaches

Train like a pro with our most advanced testing and training program, tailored to maximize your performance. Train like Rebecca Peterson, Robin Söderling and all the other pros trained by AIM-X over the years - for the ultimate tennis performance. At your level, at a pace that we develop together, that suits you and your goals.

workshop move
workshop winner
Workshop ace

Get in touch with us and we'll be happy to tell you more!

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"Without AIM-X Tester and their training routines, my career might have been over. I certainly wouldn't be standing here today as the Australian Open champion."


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